オランダに移住する決断/Decision to Move to the Netherlands

2024年9月、私はオランダに移住しました。この決断のきっかけは、2年前に参加した世界最大のトランスイベント「A State of Trance」にあります。これからは私のアーティスト人生をブログに記していきたいと思います!

In September 2024, I moved to the Netherlands. The catalyst for this decision was my participation in the world’s largest trance event, ‘A State of Trance,’ two years ago. From now on, I would like to document my artist journey in this blog.






At the time of the festival, I was working as a salaryman in Yokohama, but I was captivated by the overwhelming atmosphere of the festival and trance music, which led me to decide to move.

Less than a day after the festival, I booked a DTM school in Shibuya, and my daily routine of composing music after returning from work began. During that time, I also parted ways with my car and gambling habits, and after a year, I successfully moved to the Netherlands.

With my studies in DTM in Japan, I thought I could sign with a label before coming to the Netherlands, but in reality, my music experience was limited to 10 years of learning classical guitar until middle school. My biggest concern now is my lack of music theory, which prevents me from creating complex melody lines.

I want to pursue DJ activities in the Netherlands, but before that, my top priority is to refine my own music. While earning a living through part-time jobs, I spend my days filled with worries, but I have no regrets about diving into the Netherlands on my own decision.

From now on, I would like to document my artist journey in this blog, so stay tuned!


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